How To Reduce Stress and Anxiety

“Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs him down, but a good work makes him glad.” Proverbs 12:25

In last week’s sermon, I offered some insights on how to deal with life’s stresses. Several people asked for a copy of them. For that reason, I have listed them below. These are way to lessen stress in your life.

1. Be your own person. Don’t try to be someone else. It works best if you are just yourself. This is a hard but good lesson to learn.

2. Strive for balance in your schedule. If you schedule your life too tightly it will make for stress. Much of our stress is because we try to do too much.

3. If you can’t think of right thing to say, it may be best not to say anything at all. That way you won’t have to wake up worrying about what you said wrong.

4. Don’t worry too much about how you come across; most people are thinking about themselves, not you.

5. Whatever is going on, good or bad - This too will pass. Treasure and find joy in the good when it comes. Endure the bad with grace.

6. It’s okay to say you are sorry. It is a sign of maturity to do so, even though it is usually difficult.

7. Don’t sacrifice long term goals for short term pleasures. The long term matters most, and you will be glad in the end.

8. A positive attitude will make you happier and get you further. Smiling makes you feel better inside, and others like it too.

9. It’s easy to be stupid. Try not to be as stupid as you might be. It’s hard to be wise and takes work to get there.

10. Pay attention to the details. If you don’t, they will come back to bite you.

11. People like you better if you have a healthy sense of self-esteem. Don’t be a wallflower if you can help it. People want to know the real you. Put yourself out there.

12. Industry and hard work make all things go easier. Work at whatever you do and you will be rewarded for it.

May God make us wise, and may God allow our light to shine so others can see it and give him glory.

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